*** ----> Why more Bahrainis should take up yoga | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Why more Bahrainis should take up yoga

Manama: To a beginner when you explain to them that yoga is a way to connect with your inner self or that it increases the flow of prana (vital energy), they would have little or no reason to believe you. They of course aren’t aware of the true benefits of it; mostly they just follow what has been popularly commercialised on television today. 

You see more and more celebrities taking up yoga in the media and that automatically popularises it. It makes yoga more appealing and credible to the public. Moreover, yoga these days is seen more as a form of exercise than anything else. 

Well, but it’s not. While certain hype has been created for it, one tends to forget the true essence of yoga. It’s not about the clothing, accessories or your membership to the expensive studios or the food you eat. 

Yoga does help to improve health, heal aches and keep sickness at bay. June 21st is seen as the International Day of Yoga. If you had ever considered taking up yoga, 21st would be the right day to do start. Here are a few reasons why you should pick up this healthy habit.

1) Improved respiration, energy and vitality

2) Increased flexibility

3) Maintaining a balanced metabolism

4) Cardio and circulatory health

5) Increased muscle strength and tone


DT News consulted physiotherapist and nutritionist Pallavi Rathour, who has been practising it for the last 12 years. She takes yoga classes daily for a large number of people.

“Doing yoga changes your life. The way you approach life also changes. It improves your concentration and also helps to calm you down. It increases your patience and thinking abilities,” she said.

“Yoga helps to energise your body and soul. It spreads positive energy around your aura. It is actually used as an alternative therapy and treatment that helps us to get rid of ailments like asthma, sinusitis, depression, spondylitis, post and pre-menopausal symptoms, backaches besides reducing stress levels in an individual. It helps to make you remain fit as well as increase your overall stamina,” she concluded.

Yoga should be practiced in a subtle, gentle manner, not in a heavy muscle-building way. If you do so in the years to come, yoga would be blamed for the discomforts you face then. There are other activities to take up if your reason for doing yoga is anything other than to seek inner peace.

People are more stressed than ever before and that is another reason why yoga is gaining more adherents. While the way it is being popularised as a means of moneymaking scheme is not good, it has helped people lead a much healthier life in the modern world. 

All other methods have been tried, but there is a reason why yoga has persisted all these years. It works! Appreciate the gentle way it can help you reconnect with yourself. How it calmly relieves you of your stress and gives you the positive energy to go on and be grateful for the tranquillity that follows. In this fast pacing world, it is good to take a break and slow things down for a while.