*** ----> Bahrain revokes citizenship of Isa Qassim | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain revokes citizenship of Isa Qassim

Manama : A controversial religious cleric was stripped of his Bahraini citizenship today.

Isa Ahmed Qassim, the spiritual leader of Al Wefaq Islamic Society, had his citizenship revoked, as part of Bahrain’s zero-tolerance strategy on people who risk national security. 

The decision by the Cabinet, followed a presentation submitted by the Interior Ministry.

According to the ministry, the decision against Qassim was taken due to his allegiance to a foreign religious political authority and creating an extremist and sectarian environment in the country.

“Citizenship is made of rights and duties and no one is above the law or beyond legal accountability,” Interior Ministry announced.

“The Ministry emphasises that Bahrain is moving ahead in confronting all parties of extremism and those subordinate to external political and religious authorities, whether they are societies or individuals, especially those who violate the duties of citizenship and peaceful coexistence and work on enforcing notions of political sectarianism, and violate the Constitution, the law and all of state institutions, aiming to divide the society in order to clone regional models based on sectarian foundations,” the ministry said in a statement today.

“Accordingly, the citizenship of Isa Ahmed Qasim has been revoked. Ever since he received the Bahraini nationality, Qasim has established organisations that follow an external religious political authority, played a major role in creating an extremist sectarian environment and worked on dividing the society alongside sects and in accordance with subordination to his orders.

“Qassim has also adopted theocracy and emphasised on the absolute allegiance to the Religious Clerics.

“Through his sermons and 'fatwas', he exploited the religious pulpit for political purposes to serve foreign interests. He also encouraged sectarianism and violence. Qasim has kept his decisions and positions, which he dictated as religious rituals, dependent on his continuous communication with hostile foreign organisations and parties. He also collected funds without complying with the provisions of the law,” the ministry disclosed.

Qassim, with roots in Iran, had acquired Bahraini citizenship in the 1970s. The ministry noted that he did not preserve the interests of the State and had worked to destabilise the country.

The statement clarified that the decision was taken in accordance with the provisions of the Bahraini Nationality law which stipulates in Article 10, Paragraph C, “If he causes damage to the interest of the state or took action contrary to the duty or loyalty to it.”

The ministry added that “safeguarding the Kingdom’s security and peace in order to achieve a better life for all citizens and to accomplish further achievements in all fields is a top priority”.

DT News had earlier reported that the Public Prosecution’s investigations revealed that Qassim kept a large sum of money raised through donations in his possession, and he had sent some of it to anti-Bahrain organisations in Iran and Iraq.

The investigations disclosed that he had adopted this move after the issuance of a new law regulating the fundraising and donations’ collection.

It was also unveiled that Qassim had $10,000,000 in his bank account. The amount is believed to be collected through donations.

The authorities decided to freeze these amounts, which were detected while investigating several local societies accused of money laundering and illegal fund-raising acts.