*** ----> Interfaith leaders call for peace and mutual understanding | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Interfaith leaders call for peace and mutual understanding

Manama : Religious and faith leaders yesterday devoted the Mid-Ramadan observance in solidarity with Muslim faith followers to appeal to followers of all religions to further advocate peace, moderation and mutual understanding. 

In a meeting held under the theme “Fast For Peace,” held at The International Peace Institute For The Middle East and North Africa (IPI, MENA), imams, reverends, priests, pastors, scholars and other religious and faith representatives unanimously adopted a declaration “Peace Commandments Of

It urged all warring parties and entities to immediately abstain from resorting to violence to solve differences. It also exhorted to opt for peaceful and political means to achieve lasting and comprehensive solutions. 

On the religious freedom in Bahrain, clerics also reiterated their attachment to the universal meanings of fasting, including striving to eradicate poverty, hunger and inequity. They unanimously voiced their strong attachment to the efforts deployed by all religious entities to highlight their respective faiths’ peace commandments.

Expressing their best wishes to Muslims, they highlighted the deep-rooted values of peace in all faiths’ fasting practices.