*** Bahrain seethes with rage over Iran's threat | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain seethes with rage over Iran's threat

ManamaPeople in Bahrain has condemned Iran for threatening the country for its decision to revoke the citizenship of controversial religious cleric Isa Qassim.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander and Hezbollah terrorist militias threatened to "spark a popular revolution in Bahrain and will leave no option for the people but to resort to armed resistance”.

Qassim’s citizenship was revoked owing to his allegiance to foreign powers, working against the interests of the Kingdom of Bahrain. He was also accused of exploiting his religious position to incite the public against State institutions.

The threatening statements were made by Elite Revolutionary Guards’ Overseas Operations Arm head General Qassem Suleimani, Quds Force and Iran-backed Hezbollah militants, which are listed as terrorist groups by the GCC countries and other Arab states.

The terrorist group warned in a statement that “the decision pushes the Bahraini people to difficult choices, which will have severe consequences,” calling the people of Bahrain to “express their anger and rage decisively.”


Remarks denounced 

These statements were widely denounced by various Bahraini parliamentarians, politicians, columnists and intellectuals.

Bahraini Columnist and Presenter of a Political Show on Bahrain Television, Sawsan Al Shaer said in a televised interview that “Isa Qassim serves the Iranian arm in the region,” adding that “the Iranian response to this purely Bahraini internal administrative decision proves it”.

Referring to Suleimani’s statements, Al Shaer recalled how he made similar statements against Saudi Arabia in the beginning of 2016, describing his threat as “hollow threats that are made as a declaration of existence.” “These statements won’t have any effect on Bahrain.”

The hostile statements were also condemned by The Gathering Of National Unity (TGONU), a local political bloc. The bloc stressed in a press statement that “the statements of Suleimani and Hezbollah will not intimidate the people of Bahrain. “It won’t discourage the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain from taking the necessary steps to protect the nation’s stability and security,” it stated.

“TGONU welcomes the decision to revoke the citizenship of Isa Qassim after his involvement in harming the interests of the Kingdom. He constantly attempted to destabilise the society by promoting sedition,” the statement read, adding that “Bahrainis don’t accept having an agent for foreign powers living among them.”

Meanwhile, MP Jamal Dawood also supported the Bahraini decisions to protect its national security in an open debate aired on BBC Arabic television channel.

Dawood recalled the repeated Iranian intervention in Bahrain’s domestic affairs and its constant attempts to create a sectarian conflict in the Kingdom to serve its (Iran) interests in the region.

He also highlighted that “Qassim isn’t an original Bahraini citizen, who acquired the Bahraini citizenship in the 1960s and had worked since then to harm the Kingdom,” he added.