*** ----> US national stuck in Bahrain to seek help | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

US national stuck in Bahrain to seek help

ManamaJoseph Morris, a US Muslim citizen who is stuck in Bahrain for more than 20 days, will seek the assistance of Kuwait Embassy in Bahrain today, in a bid to facilitate his entry to Kuwait and reunite with his 13-year-old son after almost four years of separation.

Morris, who is also known as Mohammed Abdulaziz after converting to Islam, says he has been denied entry to Kuwait, where he lived for 15 years, because of an electronic error in the immigration and residency system there.

Morris claims that the US Government subjected him to racial and religious discrimination and refuses to assist him. 

According to Morris, the Kuwaiti authorities have blacklisted him, depriving him from entering the country for almost four years.

“It has been a long time away from my family. My son Abdulaziz is young and he needs me with him. I have been trying to re-enter Kuwait since then and spent so much money on scammers and lawyers, who promised to assist me, but nothing helped,” Morris told DT News earlier.

After staying at Bahrain International Airport since the beginning of the Holy Month of Ramadan, a group of Bahrainis took Morris to Al Nafeesy Mosque in the industrial area in the Dry Dock, few kilometres to the northeast of the airport.

However, Morris will approach the Kuwaiti Embassy in the Diplomatic Area today to seek assistance from Kuwaiti diplomats. The embassy, in a phone call, has informed him to be there.

DT News reported earlier that Morris has approached the US State Department to solve his case, but with no results. He claimed that he was completely ignored by the authorities there.

Similarly, he is not optimistic about any assistance from the US Embassy in Manama. A representative from the embassy had promised to “get back” to him, but never contacted him.