*** ----> New fences for Al-Janabiya burial mounds | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

New fences for Al-Janabiya burial mounds

ManamaThe Directorate of Antiquities and National Heritage have completed the fencing of Al-Janabiya ancient burial mounds, built in the Dilmun era.

The Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities (BACA) has embarked on a wide-ranging project to conserve and protect national millennia-old archaeological milestones. 

The archaeological authorities have already fenced three other sites, including the Aali burial mounds, which span Dilmun era (3rd to 1st millennium BC) to the Tylos era (200 BC to 300 AD).

The burial mounds are unique in terms of sheer number and concentration. The best-preserved and most impressive mounds are the royal burial mounds in the village of A’ali.

The project is part of BACA-led efforts to further consolidate the standing of Bahrain on the map of the international heritage. The Kingdom marks this year under the theme “Your Destination Bahrain”.