*** ----> Court jails five men's for explosion | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Court jails five men's for explosion

Manamacourt has upheld the jail terms of five Bahraini defendants convicted of triggering a gas cylinder explosion in the village of Saar. 

The defendants were among 11 men, found guilty in this case. The five appellants were earlier sentenced to five years in connection with the explosion occurred on April 23 last year in Saar.

According to the court files, the defendants detonated a gas cylinder, causing damages to nearby shops. A police probe later revealed the involvement of the defendants in the incident. 

The court documents also show that the first defendant has confessed their modus operandi in detail before the court.  

They were charged with detonating a gas cylinder, rioting, causing damages to private properties and participating in illegal gathering.