*** ----> Bahrain political activist to find fate in October | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain political activist to find fate in October

ManamaA political society official convicted of spreading false news about the ongoing Saudi-led military operation in Yemen will discover his fate on October 26. 

National Democratic Assembly (Al Wahdawi) Secretary-General Fadhel Abbas was sentenced to five years behind bars after he was found guilty of spreading false news and promoting a propaganda that could damage the military operation. He questioned Bahrain’s political stance on war and defamed other countries taking part in the Saudi-led air strikes against Houthi rebels. Abbas allegedly described the joint operation in Yemen as an “invasion” and an “act of aggression” on social media on March 26. He was arrested the following day. However he pleaded not guilty earlier. His deputy in the society, Mohammed Al Motawa, is also standing trial in connection with the case. 

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