*** ----> Man gets five years in jail for possessing drugs | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Man gets five years in jail for possessing drugs

ManamaThe High Criminal Court has sentenced an Asian man to five years in prison for possessing three marijuana cigarettes. Customs officers, who found the drugs in his bag, arrested him at the Bahrain International Airport. 

Later, he was handed over to the Anti-Drugs Department at the Ministry of Interior. During interrogation, he revealed that his co-defendant was waiting for him outside the airport to pick him up.

So the police arrested the man also, and both were charged with possessing marijuana with an intention to use. 

But the High Criminal Court cleared the second defendant of wrongdoing given that he had throughout his trial denied his involvement in the case. “I went to the airport to receive him and give him a lift. I didn’t know that he had brought drugs with him,” the second defendant told the court earlier. He was acquitted due to lack of evidence. 

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