*** ----> Bahrain MP dismiss rumours in Eker blast case | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain MP dismiss rumours in Eker blast case

ManamaA Bahraini lawmaker has denied rumours that she had accused policemen of causing the death of a Bahraini woman in East Eker on Thursday. 

Rebuffing such reports, Woman and Child Affairs Parliamentary Committee Chairperson Roua Al Hayki extended her full support to the procedures taken by the government and Interior Ministry to preserve peace and security.

The MP’s statements came after a private conversation on What’sApp was leaked on the Internet. A screenshot of the conversation was widely circulated, showing part of a text Al Hayki wrote. It was also sent from her personal number.

In the conversation, the MP said that the woman was killed not in the terrorist blast, but she was shot dead by the Public Security personnel.

A local Arabic daily also reported the news yesterday, accusing her of questioning security forces credibility. “In a bizarre manner MP Roua Al Hayki accused security authorities of killing a citizen, who died in the terrorist explosion in East Eker on Thursday night,” the newspaper reported.

In her response, Al Hayki said she was “surprised that the journal published this blatant lying” without confirming the information with her.

She demanded that security authorities hold the publication accountable for this action, adding that “publicising such confusing reports without verifying them indicates disregard and irresponsibility of the paper.”



MP explains incident 

Al Hayki didn’t deny that she had sent the leaked text in a private group on What’sApp. She claimed that she only shared information circulated online with the members of the group, who happen to be only fellow MPs.

“There were many discussions in this group, including public topics or information related to the Parliament. I shared in this private group what has been circulating on social media networks regarding a shooting incident and a traffic accident. I didn’t accuse the authorities of killing a citizen. I have shared the information to comment on it and replying to it,” Al Hayki said, stressing that the incident in East Eker was a pure act of terrorism.

She added: “I have explained to my fellow MPs in the group that I’m only sharing this information with them, and that I’m not endorsing it. I’m ready to be interrogated in this matter.” 

Al Hayki attributed the matter, which has become a trend on local social media networks, to a personal grudge against her. “There’re people, who intend to harm me due to personal issues. They copied and shared what was posted in the private chat group in an immoral way,” the MP stated. 

She called upon the MPs to enforce the culture of respecting the privacy of What’sApp chat groups that are shared by parliamentarians. 

The MP also said the concerned security departments must interrogate and hold the person, who leaked the conversation accountable for circulating false information.

Al Hayki insisted on committing to the recent directives issued by Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa to protect political work from being sectarianised  to serve personal and political interests.

It’s worth mentioning that Al Hayki has raised public controversy after she filed law suits against three fellow MPs for insulting her in a statement and accusing her and other Woman and Child Affairs Committee members in the parliament of bribery.

The matter escalated with Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments Minister Shaikh Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa requesting to strip the three MPs of their parliamentary immunity so they could be prosecuted. However, the matter was postponed to the upcoming third session of the current legislative term.

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