The Balancing Act: Holding on to moderation
In a world where the wealthy keep getting wealthier, and the impoverished keep sinking deeper into financial disintegration, the middle class ceases to exist. We now live in a world, where the importance of job stability has become a necessity. Regardless of social stature, most households around the world have conformed to having at least two sources of income, which has subsequently made the job market in almost all fields as competitive as they have ever previously been. The real question that we should all ask ourselves today, Is what is it that truly defines stability?
Human nature has conditioned us in a uniformly independent way; where each person has different desires, different needs and a different outlook, we are all moulded by the force of human nature: one that has proven that contentment and satisfaction are indeed transcendent yet essentially temporary. A person will always want more, will always aim for higher, and will never be entirely gratified. Regardless of economic standing, one can have all the riches in the world, but still face financial calamities; why is that? Luxury has no limits, nor does it look for a cheaper alternative; luxury has become a lifestyle, one which has become a priority above all; A priority that in the long run, has a minimal influence on what truly matters. In a world where moderation is but a distant memory and where taking the inbetween option no longer exists, no amount of money will ever enough.
In order to conform to this ‘developing’ society and to cater to the needs of the people, businesses, institutes, and every member of the society providing products or services, take one of two routes: luxurious abundance or minimalistic frugality. There is no alternative route; which leads one to indirectly and subconsciously believe that there are only two ways to lead your life, and if we look around today, that is what is practically demonstrated. Having a 6 figure annual salary will never be enough, when priorities rule that anything less than a fine gourmet meal is thrifty. The amount earned by an individual instantly changes their outlook, their lifestyle; the concept of moderation and prioritizing, the value of money has both increased, in terms of the necessity in this expensive world, but has decreased in terms of moderate spending.
It was not very long ago, when we, as children, as teenagers, young adults, or mature citizens of this global community knew how to spend our money. The dignity and honour for working was based on pure passion and not to fulfill a superfluous indulgence, or to keep up with superficial appearances. There was always a third route, a better option; one in which one would feel that temporary fulfillment yet have a more positive and progressive stance on life.
There is always a choice; and it is essential to avoid taking the easy route, or the more tempting route. Instead we must always take the direction that is correctly beneficial on a broader spectrum. The occurrences throughout the past centuries and decades as well as the events that are to come, will not be able to erase the reality of human nature, or the desire to want more; however evolving through moderation, and living life in a balanced and harmonious manner will always be personally and universally expedient.
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