*** ----> Bahrain face environmental crisis from poor waste disposal | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain face environmental crisis from poor waste disposal

ManamaThe waste accumulation issue in the Northern and Southern Governorates took a new turn with an MP accusing the authorities of “failing” to transfer the tasks of the previous cleaning company to the new firm.

Representative of the third constituency in the Northern Governorate, MP Hamad Al Dossary, also warned of an “environmental crisis” due to the current “weak” waste disposal processes in the area.

“Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning Ministry has failed drastically in transferring the cleaning assignments of the previous cleaning company Sphinx to the new Spanish company Urbaser. If Ministry officials remain idle, it’ll result in an environmental crisis that would be difficult to control,” Al Dossary stated. “The Ministry should have prepared to gradually shift the assignments of the old company to the new one.” 


Meanwhile, Al Dossary threatened to use all the authorities he has as a parliamentarian to hold the Ministry accountable for the situation.

“There are several points in this matter that requires forming a parliamentary investigative panel, including the deteriorated cleaning situations in both governorates, the agreement signed with the new company and the mechanisms it followed it, and the existing shortage of staff, equipment and machinery,” the MP stated.

Al Dossary added that a meeting will be held among the parliamentary bloc. “The bloc will announce its procedures against the Ministry in case the situation continues.”


“This is part of our supervisory and accountability responsibility towards ministries and governmental authorities,” he affirmed.

The MP’s statements followed the garbage accumulation crisis that popped up after the Ministry assigned Ubraser to takeover the cleaning assignments of Sphinx in the Southern and Northern Governorates on July 1.

DT News reported yesterday that the previous company had flipped all of its containers in the governorates in a strange behaviour. It forced people to dispose of the garbage beside the containers. Besides, the waste was not removed by the new company due to lack of equipment, contributing in unwitnessed accumulation of trash in residential areas.