*** ----> Masked thief in robe arrested | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Masked thief in robe arrested

ManamaThe notorious thief nicknamed ‘the masked thief’ used to wear a worker’s overalls along with a mask and a cap while robbing stores. It took eight years of investigation to nab thief, who was involved in 41 cases of robberies and allegedly stole more than BD 200,000.

The cover-up allowed him to go unidentified for many years despite being caught on security cameras several times. 

According to a report in Interior Ministry’s publication ‘Al Amn’, he specialised in stealing safes and cash boxes from supermarkets and shops but was never arrested.

Head of Search and Investigation at the Capital Police Directorate, Major Mohammed Al Buaneen said: “Over the last eight years, we learned about his techniques and how he carried a bag in which he stored all his tools.

“We came to know that he carried safes and cash boxes, which he stole. We thought he was staying somewhere in Manama area because all thefts he committed were in that area, particularly in and around the Um Al Hassam area.We also figured out that he was a fitness enthusiast and was an athletic from the way he walked,” he added. 

The police  have found that the suspect, who is unemployed, has sent huge amounts to his son, who lives outside Bahrain. 

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