*** Al Maarifi calls to overthrow Iran regime | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Al Maarifi calls to overthrow Iran regime

ManamaA Bahraini MP yesterday called for saving the people of Iran from the haughty regime that’s presently ruling Iran, stated the Parliament’s Human Rights Committee Member Mohammed Al Maarifi.

His statements came as the Iranian opposition held its biggest gathering in Paris on Saturday. 

Al Maarifi said that the gathering, which consisted of more than one lakh people is the starting point for the people of Arabian Gulf to cooperate and put an end to the humanitarian violations committed by the dictatorial and repressive Iranian regime.

“All political parties in Iran should join hands and fulfil their people’s will to overthrow this criminal regime and structure a new political system in their country,” Al Maarifi told DT News yesterday.

The MP called for punishing the extremist and terrorist organisations and militias such as Hezbollah terrorist group that are supported by the Iranian regime.

Al Maarifi also mentioned the recent intense protests and rallies of the people of Iran against the regime, commenting, “The rise in the popular movement against the regime proves the unjust that the people of Iran had endured under the rule of this fascist regime.” 

The lawmaker lauded the words of Saudi Prince Turki Al Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, who was one of the main speakers in the gathering that was held in Paris on Saturday.

The protest under the theme “Free Iran”,  was attended by Iranian opposition leaders and former world leaders and figures.