*** Over 90 restaurants get privileged ‘tourism’ tag | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Over 90 restaurants get privileged ‘tourism’ tag

ManamaMore than 90 restaurants in Bahrain were tagged as ‘Tourism restaurants’, following a recent decision to ban non-tourism restaurants from applying additional service charges.

The new sign specifies tourism restaurants, which are more privileged than ordinary restaurants, in terms of services offered to consumers.

Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) stated, “The initiative comes to assist consumers, visitors and residents to easily recognise tourism restaurants.”

In the statement, BTEA’s Tourism and Services Director Hesham Al Saken explained, “Restaurants that have obtained permits to offer tourism services in accordance with the terms and standards mentioned in Law 15 of 1986 were given special signs to assure consumers and tourists about any additional charges they pay.”

Al Saken’s statement came less than one week after the authority announced a ban on applying additional charges (service charge) by non-tourism restaurants starting yesterday.

BTEA’s step came as per a decision taken by Industry, Commerce and Tourism Minister Zayid bin Rashid Al Zayani on June 6. Restaurants were given a month to rectify their situations and adhere to the new decision.

Al Saken clarified in his statement yesterday that the new signs were installed at 95 tourism restaurants, underlining that “this step would protect the rights of consumers and tourists.”

It’s noteworthy that the Minister’s decision stipulated that violating restaurants and coffee shops would be subjected to a fine not exceeding BD10,000.

Additionally, the authority explained earlier that the “tourism restaurant” term includes restaurants in hotels, resorts and certain areas with special commercial permits.