*** AR, VR technologies set to boom | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

AR, VR technologies set to boom

ManamaAugmented and Virtual Reality Technology is set for a rapid rise in popularity in Bahrain, according to a report.

According to a new research conducted by the market research firm, Frost & Sullivan, in collaboration with GITEX Technology Week 2016, the next 10 years of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technology development are set to redefine the future of both business and consumer processes and interactions in Bahrain, the report stated. 

According to researchers, GCC organisations are leveraging the new technology to enhance end-user experiences. 

VR provides a fully immersive digital environment and would be thoroughly adopted across industries by 2025, the report stated. Programmes across industries in the GCC are eager to adopt AR and VR technologies to streamline processes and ease the lives of employees, students and the general population, it added.

“AR and VR will be a giant step in transforming education and businesses, especially in medicine, where immersive technology can facilitate access-at-a-distance for medical care,” said Dr Rafael Grossmann, a GITEX expert. 

Dr Grossmann was the first person to stream a live surgical procedure with Google Glass. At GITEX 2016 later this year, he will explain how UK-based healthcare company Medical Realities, led by colleague Dr Shafi Ahmed, live-streamed the first VR surgery from The Royal London Hospital with 54,000 viewers virtually in the operating theatre.

“From all around the world, they gained an exclusive point-of-view demonstration and interacted in real-time with the surgical event. Imagine how this level of interaction can deliver next-generation education for students worldwide, especially in developing countries,” added Dr Grossmann.

From AR-enabled surgery to VR-powered education, experts from across industries will take the stage at GITEX Technology Week this year to share their innovative use cases of AR/VR technologies.