*** Summer activities for youth launched | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Summer activities for youth launched

ManamaFive summer activities were launched for youth in the Capital Governorate yesterday. The programmes are expected to benefit a total of 1,100 students.

The activities comes under the governorate’s efforts to contribute positive values while taking into account the student’s physical, mental and social needs during the summer holiday.

“These summer activities take place under the Capital Governorate’s cause for social responsibility, which is one of the effective means to promote positivity and trust among children and youth,” said Capital Governor Shaikh Hisham bin Abdulrahman Al Khalifa.

One of the events, titled ‘Our Summer is Sweetest in Our Capital 4’, will be held with the participation of 50 students from intermediate grade. This edition will include field visits to a number of educational, recreational and cultural sites to teach students how to take responsibility and gain self-confidence.

The governorate will also launch a programme titled ‘Creativity and Innovation Leadership’ directed towards young people aged between 18 and 24.  Over 100 men and women will take part in a number of workshops aimed to equip future leaders.

The activities organised in partnership with youth centres and clubs target 100 male and female students from primary and intermediate section. 

In addition, Al Nuaim Youth Centre is targeting 50 female students from primary, intermediate and secondary levels in order to help them discover their potential talents.

Another programme, called “We Develop Life Skills and Talent” in partnership with Sitra Cultural and Sports Club, targets 800 students from primary and intermediate levels, where it is aimed at discovering and developing talents by providing educational content and raising personal competence.