*** ----> Journalist referred to prosecution for breaking correspondents' rules | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Journalist referred to prosecution for breaking correspondents' rules

Manama : The Information Affairs Authority (IAA) said legal action has been taken against a journalist who claimed she was a correspondent for foreign media without having obtained any prior official permission from the Ministry in clear violation of the provision of Article 88 of Law Decree 47/2002 that regulates the Press, Printing and Publication.

An official source at the IAA said more than one complaint had been lodged against the journalist to the Public Prosecution as she claimed to be the correspondent of more than one foreign media and for carrying out her activities in violation of the law and the fact that her permit as correspondent had expired.

She was in the habit of exploiting the democratic and media openness to carry out her unlawful acts in breach of the simplest rules of professional media practice and in disregard of the essential respect of the rule of law and constitutional institutions, the source said.

The source reaffirmed that Bahrain is the state of the law and the institutions and has a fair and independent judiciary and that nobody is above the rule of law. 
The source added that claiming to be a media correspondent without having obtained the relevant permit beforehand is a violation of the provisions of Article 88 of the Press Law which prohibits foreign media correspondents from engaging in professional activities without obtaining the necessary licensing from the ministry. The permit is valid for one renewable year. 

The source said the Information Affairs Authority is keen on ensuring freedom of opinion and responsible expression in the media as well as the freedom of circulation of news and information within the legal regulations and professional and ethical standards, and that this policy is compatible with international conventions and laws.