*** ----> Shura to flourish ties with European Parliament | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Shura to flourish ties with European Parliament

ManamaShura Council Chairman Ali bin Saleh Al Saleh yesterday chaired a meeting to set up a mechanism, in collaboration with the Council of Representatives, for dealing with the European Parliament (EP). The move is aimed at opening channels of continuous dialogue to strengthen the existing relations between Bahrain’s legislative branch and the European Parliament.

The meeting was held following the EP’s statements that contained inaccurate information based on unreliable reports on the Kingdom of Bahrain’s internal affairs.

The Shura Council stressed that the development and reforms led by HM the King had brought many achievements at the level of protecting and defending human rights and maintaining the state of law and institutions. “It has turned Bahrain into a pioneering model to be emulated in the region.”

Shura Council’s First Deputy Chairman Jamal Fakhro, the heads of permanent committees, the Secretary General and the legal advisor were presentin the meeting.