*** ----> A rainbow summer for Bahrain! | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

A rainbow summer for Bahrain!

ManamaThe Capital will have a colourful summer this year, with a bundle of activities that are mainly directed to serve the youth.

In addition to the ongoing activities by the tourism and cultural authorities, the governorate is also organising several programmes this summer, which includes educational, entertainment and cultural activities, targeting the youth.

DT News spoke to the Governor of Capital Governorate Shaikh Hisham bin Abdulrahman Al Khalifa, who shared the Governorate’s schemes for this year’s summer.   

“There are around 517,000 people living in the Capital Governorate today. This is almost half of Bahrain’s population. It’s the most populated governorate in the Kingdom and this number includes only the residents. The expansion of the governorate at the end of 2014 has contributed in this dramatic growth. Simultaneously, our responsibilities and programmes have also grown,” Shaikh Hisham said.

Speaking more about this summer’s activities in the governorate and its main objectives, the Governor said, “We’re focusing on the youth, who are the centre of our programmes. Around 60pc of our population is the youth.”

“Last year we organised a function titled “Manama Week” and we trained around 1300 people. We’re planning to organise Manama Week 2 next October, which will witness more improvements and we will invite well-known international speakers, who will enrich the programmes and seminars. Our theme will revolve around youth empowerment and entrepreneurship. This is one of our main projects this year. Arrangements are currently being finalised and will be soon announced,” Shaikh Hisham


The Governor also announced that certain summer programmes of the governorate are set to benefit around 1100 students this summer.

He said that “these activities promote positivity and serves the causes of establishing trust and loyalty to the homeland among children and the youth”.

The programmes will include the fourth edition of “Our Summer is better in Our Capital”, “Creative and Innovative leadership” workshop and “developing Life Skills and Talents” programme. 

They’re organised in coordination with youth centres and clubs in different parts of the Capital such as Manama, Ras Rumman, Sitra, Al Daih, Al Naeem and other areas.