*** ----> Asian arrested for attacking police | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Asian arrested for attacking police

ManamaAn Asian man attacked a police officer while resisting an arrest order, according to court files. 

The 31-year-old man was reportedly involved in robbing construction items from a local company, where he was an employee. 

Police officers detained him in a police patrol car after the arrest. When the officers went to investigate another robbery case, the defendant assaulted one of the police officers and attempted to flee. He was, however, nabbed later. 

The accused said he was arrested for no reason, and denied stealing anything from his employer. 

“I was on my employer’s premises to take my dues after I decided to leave the company. Suddenly police officers in plain clothes appeared and they arrested me,” the defendant said. 

“They told me that I stole some items from my employer, but I denied. They handcuffed me and took me with them. They didn’t even allow me to pick my BD100-worth phone which I left in a nearby shop,” he added. His employer, however, said that the defendant had stolen several valuable tools from him that were used for construction.