*** ----> Bahrain ministry officials visit Sanabis campus | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain ministry officials visit Sanabis campus

ManamaA team from Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning and Education Ministry visited a dilapidated school in Sanabis yesterday following the directives of  Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa to swiftly revamp it.

The Premier’s instructions came two weeks after the Education Ministry announced the closure of Sanabis Primary Girls School, considering the safety of teachers and students.

Education Ministry said on July 13 that the buildings of the school were unsafe and not fit for schooling.

The area residents rejected the decision, as no adequate replacement was provided by Education Ministry.

They sought the Prime Minister’s help, after the Ministry announced that it would relocate the teachers and students to a boys school nearby, but by transferring the boys and teachers to other schools.

This decision was widely rejected by the residents of Sanabis, who said “the Ministry solved an issued by creating a bigger one”.

A team headed by Works  Ministry Undersecretary Ahmed Al Khayat, met Education Ministry officials at the school yesterday, to discuss the maintenance plan.

The officials inspected the school buildings and assured that they would spare no efforts to revamp it.


A team led by Works Ministry Undersecretary Ahmed Al Khayat, met Education Ministry officials to discuss the maintenance plan


Damaged pillars inside the school 

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