*** Cyber threat is very real | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Cyber threat is very real

Cyber-terrorism is becoming more common, more sophisticated and more dangerous than any other forms of terrorism, warns a veteran cyber security expert. 

According to Vauban Chief Executive Officer Mitch Scherr, the risk of cyber crimes and cyber terrorism is increasing as the world becomes increasingly digitised, with Internet of Things (IOT), wearable tech and other forms of technology becoming abundantly popular. 

In an interview with DT News, Scherr explained how hackers could mix hacking and terrorism and offered sobering comments about the need to combat these risks. “We as a society grew so quickly on the digital side of the equation, everything became digital, our whole life is digital. We haven’t really thought about what the impact of becoming fully digitised is,” he viewed. 

“When you look at some of the bombings, for example the Boston bombing in the United States from a standpoint of a physical outcome, if the terrorists had hacked into the local police communications and stole information to plan the attacks, the outcome would have been so much more serious than what it was. What we are moving towards is that potential outcome where you tie the digital and physical together. I think the digital threat is where the next world war could be fought,” he stressed. 

All entities, private and government, need protection from cyber attacks. 

“The threat to the financial institutions is real, you look at what happened at the Bangladesh Central bank. Now, there is fear about one’s health records being exposed through hacking of the electronic medical records system. I can recall situations at a hospital, where they were fearful that someone would hack into their surgery schedules and switch operations to create something that would be harmful to an elected official.” 

“Many people I spoke to are not fearful of someone hijacking an airplane anymore rather they are more worried of someone hacking the plane and taking control of it.” When asked when he expects this type of terrorism to become more prevalent he said, “I think it is imminent, I cannot say when or how. But I know that the capabilities for doing it is there.”

On Friday, DT News reported that Scherr  is spearheading Vauban group’s effort to establish a ‘centre of excellence’ in Bahrain. The implementation of the centre would mean that 23 companies specialised in various aspects of cyber security and technologies will bring their expertise and technologies to Bahrain. 

Scherr said that he also hopes Vauban can help in combating cyber-terrorism in the region. 


Mitch Scherr