Today's weather in Bahrain
Manama: The Meteorological Directorate forecasts a humid weather with some cloud but hot during the day.
Wind: Variable directional 5 to 10 knots, but northerly to northwesterly 13 to 18 knots sometimes during the daytime.
Temperature: Maximum 44 degrees Celsius and minimum 33 degrees Celsius.
Humidity: Maximum 80% and minimum relative humidity 25%.
Sea waves: 1 to 2 feet inshore, 2 to 4 feet offshore.
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Link visas
Linking visas with the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) system could also help, the official pointed out.
“Visas should be issued only after inspecting and approving the accommodation by relevant authorities, including Civil Defence. This should be linked to the CPR as well. This way, we will know who stays where. This system has to begin at some point and that time is now,” he added.
“If we begin this now, in a few years time we will have it streamlined. We are facing a man-made issue here and it is up to us to find a solution.
“Those staying in these camps have the right to live safely. We have to be pro-active and serious as lives are at stake here,” he warned.
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