*** Bahrain flight delay irks passengers | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain flight delay irks passengers

ManamaFlight passengers protested at Thiruvananthapuram international airport in India yesterday after the Bahrain-Thiruvananthapuram Gulf Air flight got delayed, Indian media reported.

“The flight which was scheduled to reach Thiruvananthapuram City in the southwestern costs of the Indian subcontinent at 9 am (India time) got delayed due to technical glitches,” it was reported.

The reports explained, “The flight, which was supposed to leave Thiruvananthapuram at 10:15 am, was later rescheduled for take-off at 4 pm. The passengers started protesting after the airport authorities announced this change in timing. The latest announcement was that the flight would arrive at 2:45 pm.”

No statements were made by Bahrain’s national carrier, Gulf Air, about the incident.

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