*** Indian jailed in Bahrain for embezzlement | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Indian jailed in Bahrain for embezzlement

ManamaThe one-year jail sentence of an Indian man convicted in connection with an embezzlement case was upheld. With this verdict by the High Criminal Court, he will be deported once he completes his jail term.

According to the case, the 34-year-old Indian man was serving as an accountant manager in an auto showroom in the village of Ma’ameer. It’s reported that he had pocketed BD33,000 from the safe box in the showroom. 

The cash was supposed to be deposited in the company’s bank account. Prosecutors initially summoned three men, including a driver serving in the showroom, the account manager and another employee for interrogation.

The Pakistani driver, 33, told prosecutors that he had put the money in the safe box. He was supposed to deliver it to the bank the next day. “I was told when I reached the showroom that the money wasn’t in the safe box. I was shocked because only I had its key,” the driver said.

Later, it turned out that the driver had forgotten to lock the safe. Seizing this opportunity, the defendant stole the money. 

However, the accused admitted to his crime during investigations. “When I saw the safe unlocked, I opened it and took the money in a bag. Then I left the showroom. Later I met my friend and told him about it. We had plans for launching a cleaning company. So we decided to use the cash for this purpose,” the Indian man said. 

The defendant had been serving in the company for eight years. 

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