*** Isa Qassim fails to attend trial again | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Isa Qassim fails to attend trial again

ManamaInfamous religious cleric Isa Qassim, who has been accused of money laundering, has failed to appear before the High Criminal Court for the second time.

Only one of his two co-defendants, Hussain Al Qassab, attended the second hearing of the case yesterday, entering a not-guilty plea. 

The trio has been sent to trial over accusations of money laundering, illegal fundrasing and financing anti-Bahrain terrorist organisations abroad.

Al Qassab dismissed the accusations against him, stating that he “works as an educator to the Sharia provisions, and has nothing to do with the money raised through Khums.”

The court adjourned the hearing the case until September 15 to assign a lawyer for the second defendant and to notify the other two defendants. 

According to the court, Qassim, who was the mastermind behind the crime, had instructed the duo to raise the funds. His co-defendants confirmed that he was the only decision-maker in the spending process. 

Earlier, the public prosecution said US$10 million was found deposited in his bank account. However, Qassim reportedly stopped putting cash in his account since 2013. 

In order to add legitimacy to the illegally collected money, Qassim bought real estate properties worth over US$1 million and registered the properties under his name.