*** Indian girl abductor's remand extended | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Indian girl abductor's remand extended

ManamaThe Lower Criminal Court extended the remand of a man by 15 days for his alleged involvement in kidnapping a five-year-old child. 

The 38-year-old defendant has been implicated in connection with abduction of Indian girl Sara. She was kidnapped from her mother’s car near a cold store shop in Hoora earlier this month, when she was left unattended for less than a minute.

Sarah was found after a 24-hour-long nationwide search, which led the investigators to the Bahraini man - and his apparent associate, a 37-year-old Asian woman.

The police found the abandoned car in Hoora, around six hours after receiving the mother’s complaint. Further investigations led to the suspect’s arrest.

“When we arrested him from his house, the girl wasn’t with him. He told us that he had kept the girl in an apartment in Hoora. Later the police went there and found the girl with the Asian woman,” the police explained, without revealing the nationality of the woman.