*** Bahraini defendants case adjourned until Sept 25 | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini defendants case adjourned until Sept 25

ManamaThe High Criminal Court has adjourned the case of six Bahraini defendants accused of arson until September 25 for review. 

According to the court files, the Bahrainis were part of a mob that set tyres ablaze in the village of Salmabad on February 13 two years ago. 

Investigations have uncovered the involvement of the six suspects in the incident.

Prosecutors say that the suspects have held protests in the area before they rioted and burn the tyres in a bid to block the roads.

Besides, they have also planted a strange object so as to make the police officers think it was a bomb.  

The defendants have been charged with arson,  rioting, participating in an illegal gathering and planting a fake bomb.