*** Appoint municipality head soon, urges MP | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Appoint municipality head soon, urges MP

ManamaA lawmaker called on the authorities to immediately appoint a new general director at Muharraq Municipality, as the post remains unoccupied for over a year.

Representative of the third constituency in the old island, MP Jamal Buhassan, demanded an immediate and appropriate replacement of the former Muharraq Municipality General Director Saleh Al Fadhala. He had resigned last year, leaving behind the empty chair of the municipality head since June 1, 2015.

“Muharraq is one of the oldest cities of Bahrain with a large population,” he said.

“The municipality of the old capital of Bahrain can’t be left without a head for more than a year,” Buhassan told DT News yesterday, pleading to Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa to instruct the concerned authorities to appoint a general director at the municipality.

The MP said that “not having a qualified person to head the municipality halts the urban and environmental development of the governorate.”

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