*** ----> Bahraini jailed for setting tents on fire | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini jailed for setting tents on fire

ManamaThe jail sentence of a Bahraini man has been upheld in the case of setting ablaze the two tents of a candidate during the previous parliamentary elections.

The High Criminal Appeals Court announced the verdict for the defendant, who was put on trial along with another Bahraini man. 

Both of them were handed down five years in prison each.

According to the case, the duo allegedly poured petrol on the tents and pelted them with firebombs in the wee hours on October 26, 2014. 

They committed the crime to petrify the man to withdraw from the polls. 

Unfazed by the act, the candidate, Abdullah Tarar, took part in the elections, though he eventually lost. 

The damage caused by the fire was estimated at BD4,500 as the fire had also destroyed a power generator and a big rug, besides hospitality equipment.