*** Ministry wants to speed up society’s plea hearing | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Ministry wants to speed up society’s plea hearing

ManamaThe Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments has approached the court with a plea to expedite the hearing of Al Wefaq Islamic Society’s appeal on its liquidation, according to sources.  

The High Civil Court ordered in July this year for the liquidation of the society into the State’s treasury after it was found guilty of breaching the political society laws and supporting terrorist groups. 

The case was filed against by the Minister of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments, Shaikh Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa. 

In its ruling, the High Civil Court said that the society had repeatedly objected to the legitimacy of Bahrain’s constitution, supported violence and posted pictures of terrorists brandishing sharp tools while claiming they were peaceful demonstrators. 

It said that the society had expressed its solidarity with the suspects convicted of instigating hatred against the political regime, calling for a Coup d’état and disparaging the judiciary and executive bodies.  

“Al Wefaq society also took stances for foreign interference, opposed the legitimacy of the legislative branch and constantly exploited places of worship to carry out its political activities,” the court said.

It added that Al Wefaq had swerved in the course of its political activities to the extent of incitement of violence and encouraged demonstrations. 

“The society is prohibited from exercising any activity as a result of this ruling,” the court underlined. The society has appealed against the ruling, and an Appeal Court will be hearing it. 

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