*** Expats above 60 years may apply for work permits electronically | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Expats above 60 years may apply for work permits electronically

Manama : Senior expatriates who wish to continue working in Bahrain can apply for work permits electronically from September 19, 2016.

According to the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) website, new work permit applications for expats aged 60 years and above will be accepted through the Expatriate Management System (EMS).

The service will be applied to work permits excluding investors work permits.

Any application submitted before September 19 will be processed manually and LMRA will contact the client once it is ready, says the website.

To know the procedure to apply for over a work permit for an expat aged 60 years or above, click on this link - http://lmra.bh/portal/files/cms/shared/file/New%20work%20permit%20over%2060%20years%20applying%20guide%20(2).pdf

Once the application is approved or rejected, the responsible or authorised person will be notified through email and SMS. The required documents include the original application form called “New Work Permit or Renewal for over 60” as well as copies of the applicant’s ID card, employee passport, employee ID card, Employment contract (in case of applying for the approval to issue a new work permit). For specialised occupation, the applicant has to attach certi­ficates and qualifications.

Occupations that require specialisation like doctors, teachers, engineers, insurance and banking sector must submit the approval from the concerned ministry or committee or Central Bank of Bahrain. The link to LMRA’s EMS is - https://www.lmra.gov.bh/EMS_Web/