*** MP sees ‘boomerang effect’ in US bill | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

MP sees ‘boomerang effect’ in US bill

ManamaThe newly passed “Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act” by the US Congress would backfire the US Government, according to Parliament’s Foreign Affairs, Defence and National Security Committee Head Abdulla Binhowail. 

“This decision will invite the relatives of victims lost in countries that suffered from US military interventions, which caused the death of millions of innocent people, in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Vietnam, to sue the US administration and demand compensations from it,” he said.

 The MP remarked that the bill deviates from legislative work. He also described it as “an aberration from the legislative work, which should not cross the borders of the State under no justification”.

“Passing this bill simply reflects the increasing extremism in the US parties and pressure powers against the GCC countries and their gains. We must support the moderated voices through enhancing communication between our civil society parties and through the appropriate legal and political means,” he opined.

Binhowail added that the GCC political work should be organised and systematic against such hostile policies that target GCC countries’ strategies and public policies.

As reported yesterday, several regional countries, including Bahrain and GCC countries, have expressed their concern over passing this bill, which was considered as a “breach of other countries sovereignty.” 

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