*** Woman fined for teaching without licence | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Woman fined for teaching without licence

ManamaThe High Criminal Court upheld an earlier sentence fining a Bahraini woman BD500 for teaching without licence. 

The defendant was reported to the police in 2014 by the Ministry of Education Undersecretary for the Education Affairs and Curriculums. She was found to be running an educational institution and practising teaching without obtaining the necessary permissions from the Ministry of Education. 

However, the woman, who was the director of the institution and its representative, stated the institution was licensed by the Ministry of Education in the period between 2002-2006, and she decided to convert it from a training organisation into an educational one.

“I paid the licence fee, and we completed all the procedures. The institution has been working, and its licence is being renewed each three years, and the last time was 2013 until the current year (2016),” the woman said during interrogation, denying committing any foul play.

“We are about to move to a new building and I maintained communication with the ministry about the building’s requirements to get the new licences for it,” she added.

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