*** ----> Government Forum 2016 to be held today | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Government Forum 2016 to be held today

ManamaThe Government Forum 2016, which will be held today at Shaikh Isa Cultural Hall under the patronage of Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa will be a vital component of the government’s continued efforts to implement a long-term strategy that supports sustainable development across the Kingdom. 

To be attended by Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the event is the first-of-its-kind in the Kingdom. It will bring together Ministers and officials from across government to explore ways in which even greater sustainable diversification and economic prosperity can be delivered. 

The Government Forum 2016 will include a range of panel discussions and workshops covering milestones, achievements and next steps required to fully achieve Bahrain’s Vision 2030 and the Government Action Plan (GAP). 

Bahrain’s Vision 2030 Achievements, Private Sector Role in Driving Growth, Sustainability and Advancing Infrastructure, Enhancing Public Services, and Government Priorities and Bahrain’s Next Phase of Development are some of the topics to be discussed in the Forum. 

The Cabinet Affairs Minister, Mohammed Ibrahim Al-Mutawa noted that the government’s efforts are in line with Bahrain’s Economic Vision 2030. He said the GAP aims to strengthen the country’s security and economic stability, and increase sustainable development to provide a better standard of living for the citizens. 

Al-Mutawa underlined the importance of the transparent approach the government has taken with regard to providing regular updates to Bahrain’s citizens. He added that the government remains committed to further developing the economy and diversifying revenues in light of the fiscal challenges the region faces due to the global decline in oil prices.