*** ----> 13 Bahrainis held in Saudi Arabia during Hajj | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

13 Bahrainis held in Saudi Arabia during Hajj

ManamaThe arrest of 13 Bahrainis during the pilgrimage season for violating procedures and they do not have a license for the pilgrimage and not to terrorist causes. 

The ministry confirmed the release of three of the detainees, " a man and two women, " and in this regard is to pursue the case with the Saudi security services.

According to a statement issued by the Saudi Ministry of Interior, 54 people suspected of terrorism activities, including the 13 Bahrainis from the beginning of the Hajj season (Sept. 10) until the Wafat Arafat day (Sept. 13) were arrested. 

The other suspects include 30 from Saudi Arabia, while eleven of them from seven different countries, including Brunei, it said. 

The ministry revealed that 17 of them were arrested on the first day of the Hajj season, while five of them got nabbed on the third day. 

On the fourth day 12 of them were apprehended, while the rest of them were captured on the Waqfat Arafat Day. 

All of the accused have been charged with terrorism.


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