*** ----> MP rejects TV show invite over slur | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

MP rejects TV show invite over slur

ManamaAn MP rejected an invitation from a satellite channel to take part in a political show as it previously insulted the Kingdom and its leadership.

Parliament’s Foreign Affairs, Defence and National Security Committee Member Jamal Buhassan said he was recently invited by Turkey-based El Sharq satellite channel to attend a political talk show.

He rejected the invitation from the channel, which insulted the Kingdom, its leadership, GCC states and their foreign policies during a cooking show last May.

“I have asked the channel’s management to apologise live and send a written apology to Bahrain, before I would attend their show,” Buhassan stated.

He explained that he was contacted by a person claiming to be a representative of the channel, requesting him to attend a live political show.

As reported earlier, Buhassan had assembled a team of attorneys to sue the channel’s management for criticising the Kingdom’s policies and making abusive remarks about the visits of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques to Egypt last April.

The MP told DT News back then, “The channel’s policy is to defame and target GCC states. It is owned and managed by Egyptian politician Ayman Nour, who lives in exile. He is known for his sympathy with the Muslim brotherhood, which has been labelled by many countries including Egypt and GCC countries, as a terrorist organisation. The channel is managed by offices in Turkey and is broadcasting from Cyprus.”

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