*** ----> Three men get life sentence in bomb blast case | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Three men get life sentence in bomb blast case

ManamaThe High Criminal Court sentenced three Bahraini defendants to life in prison for detonating a bomb in Aker village on July 15 last year.  

The incident led to the death of 18-year-old Qassim Mohsen, who was among the trio plotting to trigger it. As a result of the explosion, a nearby fence got damaged. 

The court ordered the trio to collectively pay BD220 to mend it. The first defendant revealed to the prosecutors that they were planning to kill police officers. 

“I was asked to watch the area, and Qassim was tasked to plant the bomb. I heard the explosion, and I didn’t know what happened. I returned home,” he explained. “Later I heard that Qassim accidentally pressed the detonator and the explosion killed him,” he added. 

The second defendant was accompanying Qassim, but he escaped with injuries. According to court files, the bomb was made using the highly explosive C4.  

The explosion was reported to the police by the security men guarding a nearby company.