*** ----> Teenager jailed for robbery | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Teenager jailed for robbery

ManamaThe High Criminal Court sentenced a teenager to three years behind the bars on the grounds of robbery. 

The 15-year-old defendant is said to have robbed a mobile phone belonging to a pedestrian. The incident occurred on December 12 last year while the victim
was walking in Jid Ali area. 

According to the victim’s statements, the defendant was in the company of another man during the theft, but the latter’s identity remains unknown, and as a result only the teenager was tried. 

“Two men attacked me, while I was walking. One of them held me from the back and the other man pulled me by force. He then punched on my face five times and then both of them fled,” the victim told prosecutors. 

The defendant’s involvement was found in a police line-up.

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