*** ----> Fake ‘vacancies’ page on FB irks jobseekers | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Fake ‘vacancies’ page on FB irks jobseekers

ManamaA Facebook page announcing “vacant jobs” at Education Ministry has sparked nationwide outrage lately.

The page “Vacancies in Bahrain,” is displaying the job advertisement along with the picture of Education Ministry. This was apparently to make applicants believe that it was genuine. 

Latest figures show, the page is followed by around 2,000 people. 

The ad says, “Jobs vacancies at public and private schools are available for the posts of teachers, administrators, librarians, workers and

It was liked by around 900 Facebook users. The replies to the post were made by users from countries facing high rates of unemployment, such as Tunisia, Pakistan, Morocco, India, Algeria, Egypt and Tunisia.

However, a few Bahrain-based users have alleged that the post is fake, as it requests “odd” requirements. 

“Applications would be accepted until September 29 and submitted only through a Viva number at the website using the following link,” the post said, providing a link along
with it.

When DT News accessed the link, we found that it requires personal information such as photos, a Viva number and an email address.

A clarification from the Education Ministry is awaited, as its Public Relations and Information Directorate was informed about the controversial post.