*** ----> Women participation rises in Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Women participation rises in Bahrain

ManamaBahrain has been ranked first internationally for its fast growing rate of women’s participation in economic activity, according to a report issued by the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

The study titled ‘Women in Business and Management sector’, is part of the reports issued by the international organisation, showing the positive progress made by the Kingdom in the labour and social fields. 

The report also focuses on the positive cooperation between authorities in Bahrain and the international organisations.

The ILO in its report showed that Bahrain is “the best top climber on the world indicator for women’s business opportunities and participation”, as the Kingdom came first in the Middle East and South Africa for, “Women who have their own businesses”. 

In addition, the Kingdom showed the biggest increase in the number of companies that have women as part of the board of directors, where the percentage of participation was 12pc in 2010 to 14pc in 2014.

Minister of Labour  & Social Development Jameel  Humaidan praised the report and highlighted the keenness of the government in supporting women through incentives for developing performance and productivity in the labour market. 

The Minister also appreciated the  national legislations that go in line with international standards, which contributes to the participation of Bahraini women in the economic development of the Kingdom.