*** Mainstream education to include special needs students: Minister | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Mainstream education to include special needs students: Minister

ManamaThe Minister of Education Dr. Majid Al Nuaimi highlighted the inclusion of schoolchildren with special needs in mainstream governmental schools. 

His remarks came in response to a question by one of the listeners during “Sabah al-Khair Ya Bahrain” radio programme yesterday.

In compliance with Bahrain’s Constitution and Education Law 2005, the Minister explained the provision of educational services that befit their aptitude and capabilities.

Al Nuaimi said the scheme of inclusion of students with special needs represents one of the humanitarian and civilisational achievements in which the Kingdom of Bahrain takes pride.

“The ministry has expanded its pioneering scheme whereas the number of inclusion schools reached 75, fully equipped to admit all children from the various categories, thanks to the unmatched support from the Kingdom’s Leadership,” he said. 

“The inclusion of these children in government schools are through improvement of school ergonomics and the provision of special curricula in association with prestigious educational institutions. Expert teachers will be hired. Buses for student commutation have been allocated,” the Minister added.