*** ----> ‘Bahrain a role model for GCC countries’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

‘Bahrain a role model for GCC countries’

ManamaBahrain plays a constructive role in largely contributing to peace efforts and providing a singularly high-level of religious tolerance, the German Ambassador, Simms-Protz  said here recently.

 “At a time when religion is being misused and abused - by almost all conflict parties for political purposes, Bahrain is successfully demonstrating a countermodel. When it comes to religious tolerance, Bahrain is second to none in the Middle East,” the diplomat said as the embassy celebrated the German Unification Day. 

Simms-Protz said that Germany particularly valued the contributions Bahrain is making as a member of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and other Arab and international fora in restoring peace and stability in conflict zones in the region.

“We are all in the same boat. Only by working closely together can we succeed in resolving these conflicts peacefully,” he pointed out.

“Despite all its positive attributes, Bahrain was not spared by the dramatic events that had struck in the region,” the diplomat added.

“Germany is keen to expand its political and economic ties with Bahrain and deepen the existing partnership. We are also working on a couple of high-profile cultural events in order to bring our countries closer together on an emotional level,” said Simms-Protz who became ambassador to Bahrain in 2015.