*** ----> Man jailed for drug peddling case | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Man jailed for drug peddling case

ManamaThe High Criminal Appeals Court has upheld the sentence issued against a man convicted of selling drugs. 

The defendant, who is in his fifties, was sentenced to five years in prison. He was also slapped with BD3,000 fine. 

The Bahraini man was arrested in a sting operation after an officer in plain clothes made contact with him. 

According to police, he reportedly agreed to sell BD180 worth of shabu to the officer and they set up a meeting to see each other near the convicted man’s house. After his arrest, the anti-drug squads inspected the defendant’s house, where BD425 was found stashed in a fish tank. 

The defendant’s saliva also tested positive of hashish. He had been charged with possessing illegal drugs with intention to use and sell. 

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