*** ----> National cooperation pivotal : Bahrain PM | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

National cooperation pivotal : Bahrain PM

BangkokA strong economy and joint co-operation between nations are essential to achieve sustainable development of the country, according to Bahrain Prime Minister HRH Prince  Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa. 

The Premier said that the  enactment of laws such as JASTA would undermine sovereignty and stability of States. 

The Premier highlighted that the Asian continent, with its huge and diverse resources, deserves to play a greater role in the international scene, to further strengthen inter-relations of the countries.

The Prime Minister made the statements while delivering his speech at the second Asia Cooperation Dialogue Summit (ACD), held in the Thai capital Bangkok, under the motto “One Asia – Diverse Strengths,” yesterday. 

The heads of governments and delegations of ACD member States attended the summit. 

“The global economy occasionally faces crises in various forms, which urges us to further coordinate and take necessary measures beforehand to alleviate the negative impacts on our nations,” he added. 

Prince Khalifa stressed the importance of mutual cooperation at the regional level between existing economic groups, including the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), for the positive impacts it would bring to the nations.

The  Premier also conveyed greetings from His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al  Khalifa to the attendees of the summit, and wished them success in achieving the forum’s goals in the interests of the Asian countries.

“We are pleased to participate in this forum aimed at the creation of a further developed Asian knowledge-based community that would help achieve growth, development and prosperity,” HRH Premier remarked.

Prince Khalifa concluded his speech by emphasising that Bahrain would remain committed to contributing effectively to the accomplishment of the ACD’s objectives and aspirations.