*** ----> GPIC achieves Q3 production record | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

GPIC achieves Q3 production record

ManamaThe Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC) produced its highest-ever amounts of ammonia, urea and methanol in the third quarter of this year, according to latest figures.

Of a total of 1.2 million tonnes, the production of ammonia, urea and methanol was 350,000, 523,00 and 332,000 tonnes respectively, GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said.

He said the company’s exports since the beginning of the year reached 888,000 tonnes, with Brazil taking a major chunk of 30 per cent, followed by the United States with 19pc. These exports, he added, were done on board 48 ships.

This was the result of a relentless pursuit of, and commitment to, optimum professional standards and in spite of the global market challenges in the light of low oil prices, he said. Workers at the company performed as a team to face these challenges and make sure of the GPIC’s success, he added.

Dr. Jawahery said he was at the company’s achievements in the field of occupational safety, which had won it praise from across the world. He said the company achieved more than 24.3 million hours without a lost time accident, which proved the hard work and success of its workforce, considered the backbone of sustainable development and its real wealth. He said the workers, as well as contractors, complied with health and safety rules that had been instilled in them as a result of lectures on health and safety in general.

He praised the professionalism of the executive management and all employees and said the impressive results were achieved in spite of the testing summer months when temperatures rose to record levels, affecting performance of workers and equipment. He said the GPIC met all its contractual obligations in spite of the vagaries of highly competitive global markets and variations in supply and demand.

The success, he said, was even sweeter due to the absence of physical demand, and due to new projects set up in the United States, Nigeria, Malaysia, Indonesia and Iran. 

Dr. Jawahery said the GPIC continued production and exports to alternative markets as part of a plan set in place by the Board of Directors and in collaboration with the its partners, the Petrochemical Industries Company of Kuwait and Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC).

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