*** Man stabs wife for not giving house key | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Man stabs wife for not giving house key

ManamaA Bahraini man reportedly stabbed his wife three times with a knife as she failed to give him their house key, according to court files. 

The case was due for hearing yesterday, but the 51-year-old defendant failed to appear before the High Criminal Court under the pretext that he was in coma. He is reportedly under mental treatment, and a psychologist confirmed this before the court yesterday. 

The man is said to have assaulted his Indian wife, aged 50. Two of the stabs penetrated the lower part of her abdomen, while the last one was close to her heart. However, she survived the attack and is recovering in a hospital. 

The incident was witnessed by the victim’s sister, who was living in the same house.

“We have been married for five years, and I knew he was facing mental issues. On the day of the incident, we had lunch together, and then I went to the kitchen to clean the dishes,” the victim told prosecutors.

“He asked me for the house key, and I told him it was on the table. He didn’t find it, and began screaming. Soon he stabbed me,” she added. 

According to court files, the woman waived her right to prosecute the defendant. 

His psychologist, on the other hand, said that the defendant was in coma.