*** GCC denounces UN inaction on Aleppo | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

GCC denounces UN inaction on Aleppo

ManamaArab Foreign ministers and their Turkish counterpart yesterday expressed deep regret at the UN’s inability to stop indiscriminate air strikes on Syria’s Aleppo. 

This came during the fifth joint ministerial meeting of the strategic dialogue between the GCC Foreign Ministers and their Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu. Foreign Minister Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa represented Bahrain in the conference held in Riyadh.  

“Ministers condemned the escalation of military operations in Aleppo by the regime and its supporters through indiscriminate air raids against the civilian population and infrastructure,” the GCC-Turkey communique said.

The statement called for lifting the siege on Syrian cities to allow unimpeded delivery of humanitarian assistance and reiterated commitment for a political solution, which ensures a transition whereby the people can fully express themselves according to the Geneva (1) Communiqué and United Nations relevant resolutions. 

The ministers also reaffirmed their support for international Coalition and other operations against all terrorist organisations, reaffirming that the areas liberated from “Daesh” should remain terrorist-free. 

At a news conference, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said the Gulf views the Ankara-Moscow rapprochement positively.

“We see the reduction in tension between Turkey and Russia as perhaps an opportunity” that could help a solution in Syria.

“Turkey views the situation in Syria exactly the way we do.”

Cavusoglu said a normalisation of ties does not mean Turkey will change its position on Assad, “but having a good dialogue is always better than not”.

Ministers expressed concern about the use of “sectarian militia forces” as part of an imminent Iraqi operation to retake that country’s Mosul city from the Islamic State group jihadists.

In their statement, the GCC and Turkey also emphasised the goal of establishing a free trade area “as soon as possible”.

Turkey’s Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci attended the Riyadh talks, part of a regular dialogue between the two sides.

Cavusoglu told reporters that Erdogan “is shortly going to visit Saudi Arabia” but the date has not been finalised.