*** 143 narcotic cases busted | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

143 narcotic cases busted

ManamaSecurity authorities have managed to bust 143 narcotic cases during the first nine months of the year, it was announced yesterday.

According to the latest statistics revealed by Interior Ministry’s Anti-narcotics Directorate, majority of the cases reported between January and September this year involved hashish, shabu (methedrine) and heroin.

The statistics were revealed during a special radio show, which hosted Captain Khalid Al Ka’abi from the Directorate’s Prevention and Awareness Department.

The official also stated that the youth are the main target groups of the drug dealers.

“The directorate is utilising the latest devices and modern technologies to detect drugs. The latest was an X-Ray device that contributed in detecting a number of bodypackers (people who smuggle drugs between their organs),” Al Ka’aby said.

He added, “Those involved in drug peddling cases could get sentences varying between three years of imprisonment and death sentence.”

“Those who surrender themselves to the authorities, with the intention of recovering from drugs addiction, are not held legally accountable. They are enrolled in rehabilitation and treatment programmes. However, they will face legal actions if they are caught red-handed,” he said.

Narcotics cases could be reported to the directorate’s hotline number  17715579. 

“The line is operating around the clock and callers’ anonymity is protected,” Al Ka’aby added. 

Organised by the ministry’s Police Media Centre and Bahrain Radio, the programme tackled the most common drugs cases and their legal consequences.